Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gabriel McKay (F) / Gabriel Kaiser (M)

Pronounciations:  Gah-BREE-el (female) GAY-bree-el (Male)
Nickname(s):  Gabe
Age: 30
Birthdate:  10-31
Gender:  Born female, bodymorphed to male to hide from assassins
F: Slender, aristocratic frame, standing roughly 5'8" with a well shaped bust and toned hips and legs.  Gabriel moves with a grace about her from years of grooming within social circles.  She keeps her reddish brown hair long, flowing freely about her shoulders and pinned back from her face with silver feather clips.  Her amber eyes a soft but watchful, taking in everything and giving nothing back unless she wishes to do so.  Her heart shaped face holds a pair of full lips and finely shaped eyebrows, and has been noted on many an occasion to draw the attention of anyone in the room.  The only blemishes visible on her body, are scars around her stomach from multiple injections of a medication she is forced to take to keep her male form, and what look to be gashes and whip marks around her hips and thighs.
M:  Tall, standing at 6'5", Gabe has the body of one who is built for the professional world.  Keeping his body toned and well muscled, Gabe also makes sure to keep his long reddish brown hair well cared for and tied back in a ponytail.  His chiselled face holds a pair of amber eyes that sparkle with interest, taking in everything they see.  Always one for the professional look, Gabe makes sure to keep his face free of stubble, and his Van Dyke well trimmed.  Even his eyebrows look perfectly shaped.  The only blemishes visible on his body, are scars around his stomach from multiple injections of a medication he is forced to take to keep his form, and what look to be gashes and whip marks around his hips and thighs.
Born: Born mid-flight during her parents trip from the US to Eastern Europe.
Location: San Francisco, CA
Profession: Works with the government to make sure Novas get the help they need, as well as proper registration.  Placed in the job by the Nova underground resistance.
Education: Masters in Public Policy from Harvard (It's a real degree, look it up)
Hobbies and Interests:
Disposition and Personality:
Weaknesses/Faults: Has to dose every 4 hours or will return to female body from male form.  Is wanted for "ruining the life of an upstanding member of society".
Pet Peeves: Intolerance towards Novas, people who refuse to learn/educate themselves and prefer to be uneducated, Novas who think they are better than everyone else.
Fears: Being found by the politician who placed a death sentence on her head.  Having her secret discovered that she is not really a male, but a female who is hiding behind a body morph.  Being turned in to the government/police for working with the underground.
Guilty Pleasures: Music that is considered uncouth and socially unacceptable.
Prized Possessions:
Bad Habits:
Proudest Accomplishments:
Secret Talents:
Typical Clothing:
Physical Mannerisms:
Accent?:  None specifically, but can mimic accents with ease.
Languages: English, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (both Cantonese and Mandarin), Spanish, French
Most comfortable in _____ location: Anywhere she can make a difference for the better.


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